Tuesday 15 March 2016

Mulholland Highway

Mulholland Highway is the dream destination for the knee down addicts, Probably the most famous road in California, its proximity to Los Angeles has made it the playground of the rich and famous. Jay Leno is a frequent visitor to The Rock Store with his collection of vintage cars and bikes.

The road connects “the valley”, a large suburban area to the north, with the beach area just north of the rich and famous Malibu. This area is home to many of the best roads in So Cal, but most enthusiasts spend their time on “The Snake”, a short 21 turn section just above the popular Rock Store. The Snake is heavily photographed on weekends and attracts those looking to showboat a bit for the cameras. “Edwards’ Corner”, the final turn heading up The Snake, is a popular spot for people to congregate and watch others come up the hill. 

During the motorcycle boom of the 1980’s CHP crackdowns on motorcycle racing put a wet blanket on riding in the area, but budget cuts since then have kept enforcement to a minimum. 

The Snake

A short section of Mulholland Hwy directly above The Rock Store that is a favorite place for local motorcyclists, drivers, and cyclists to test their skills against the road. Heavily congested on weekends, but a wonderful ride during the week.

I am subscribed to RnickeyMouse channel and if you like to see kneepucks getting scrapped to dust then you should too, this guy is capturing some of the best moments of the snakes bite , I just love to see people going up/down the turns dropping their knee down, however keep in mind the public roads are not the same thing as a racetrack, the guardrails can injure you a lot if not kill you, be aware of that:

Be Safe, Drive Safe, Keep it safe. Twist that wrist!

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